Campers Inn RV Blog

It's Global Unplugging Day!

Written by Campers Inn RV blog | February 01, 2025

The 24-hour period from sundown March 1st to sundown March 2nd is known as the Global Day of Unplugging! Although this holiday is little-known, we still think it’s important. Your phone can bring a lot of good things into your life, like your new favorite TV show or our latest blog. But we know it also brings a lot of stressors on a day-to-day basis.  For Global Unplugging Day, we think you should celebrate by turning your devices off for just 24 hours. 

Don’t get us wrong, though—we love modern technology as much as you do. We know that at the thought of turning off your devices, you’re thinking: But how will I get around without my maps app? What will I do instead of agonizing over the day’s NYT crossword for an hour? If I don’t have Candy Crush, what will I do while watching TV? Don’t worry! We’ve got some fun activities you can write down in preparation for your day off of the web. 


1. Scavenger Hunt 

You might think scavenger hunts are just for kids, or maybe that they require more than one person. We’re happy to tell you you’re wrong! All you really need for a hiking scavenger hunt is a pen and a piece of paper, although an analog camera does make it more fun. Just write down about ten examples of local flora/fauna and go look for them! This has taken hours to finish though, so make sure not to make your examples too hard. If you’ve got a camera, take a picture of each thing when you find it, and make sure it’s a good one so that you can brag about how productive you were without any technology.


2. Read a Book

This is a gimme, and we know it. But there’s a reason it’s so popular! Reading is satisfying, and you can learn some much-needed information if you choose to look into nonfiction books. Try reading a book about the state parks so you know which one to visit next, or get sucked into the latest fantasy recommended on Goodreads or BookTok. The possibilities are endless! If you don’t have any books with you, check out a local library or look into free libraries in your area. We’d recommend starting with National Geographic’s 100 Parks, 5,000 Ideas for nonfiction lovers, and Sue Henry’s The Serpent’s Trail for those who want a little mystery.


3. Play a Game 

There are tons of games that don’t require any electricity! Of course, when you think of having fun with no screens, you probably imagine a classic board games and card games by candlelight scenario. One of our favorites is charades, which is great because you can customize the prompts to your company. If you have no guests at all, charades might not be as fun, but you can always whip out a deck of cards and play solitaire or build a house of cards. Anything is possible!


4. Listen to AM Radio 

Listening to the radio might not be something you usually do, since most people now are using Bluetooth to connect their phones to their speakers. But a fun fact about getting off-grid or going through a power outage is that background noise drops, and the AM radio will pick up transmissions you wouldn’t be able to catch normally. If you’re going without screens or centralized electricity by choice for Unplugging Day, then listening to the radio can help you find new music or artists that you like. Plus, it’s been proven that listening to other languages being spoken can help you learn those languages. While you’re spending time away from your screens, it might be fun to learn something new! 


5. Take a Nap

If you’ve already gone through all of these options, or if none of them seem like your style, then there’s only one thing to do: go to sleep. Not only can napping help you get through a few hours without any screens, but it’s also good for you! Rest up for your next adventure by curling up in your bed or your RV’s theater seating and getting some shut-eye. Hopefully when you wake up, it’ll be sunset on the 2nd, and you can go back to scrolling.

Click here to read about some RVing apps to download when you turn your phone back on!