Campers Inn RV Blog

Meet the Campers Inn RV Family: Dennis Walsh

Written by Aaron Hirsch | July 23, 2015

Standing tall at 6 feet 3 inches, Dennis Walsh is one of Campers Inn RV’s newest salespeople, and he has been a dedicated member of our team from the start. He is known for his big heart and contagious smile, and he can bring a glimmer of happiness to anyone’s day. As a salesperson, Dennis does not want to simply move units and make his numbers. He wants to make the RV lifestyle an attainable dream for all customers.

We took Dennis aside for a couple minutes to learn more about his passion for the RV industry.

When did you start your career in the RV industry, and what was your first job?

I started in 2001, and I worked at a different dealership selling RVs like I do here at Campers Inn RV. It was a good experience with good people, and it introduced me to a different side of sales.

What is your most memorable experience in the RV industry thus far?

I had an older couple come in to purchase a trailer so they could take their grandchildren camping and spend more time with their family. As we walked around the lot, both the husband and wife smoked probably five cigarettes. As the sales process went on, we came to an agreement on a price, but the monthly payment was just too much for them to afford. So, I sat back and thought about this. I didn’t know if it was the right thing to say, but I just knew I had to. I asked the couple, “If you don’t mind me asking, how many cigarettes do you smoke a day?” The husband answered, “A pack and a half,” and the wife answered, “A pack.” I asked if they were aware that 24.5 packs a week is about $9,000 a year. I said, “Now, I’m not telling you how to live, but if you guys cut that in half, there is your RV payment. Have quality family time and add some better health.” They both looked over at each other and agreed that this was something they were willing to cut down on.

A while later, I was raising the jack to an RV in the showroom, and I was approached by an older woman. As soon as I stood up to greet the lady, I was given a hug, and she thanked me for changing her life. I said, “Well, don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the hug and the thank you, but I’m not quite sure what I did.” She informed me that a couple years ago, we talked about smoking and how family is more important. She said, “Not only have I cut down, but I have quit, and my husband only smokes a couple a day. We are having a blast with our family camping, and I just wanted to thank you.” Still to this day, that moment brings a tear to my eye and is a very important story in my life.

Do you camp? If so, what is your favorite spot?

When I have the time, I do enjoy camping. But lately, I have not really had the time. My favorite spot actually has nothing to do with RVs. When I was a kid, my parents sent me to a summer camp for a month called Camp Gannet in Sharon, Massachusetts. We stayed in cabins with eight kids to a cabin and a counselor. It was my favorite spot, and I looked forward to it every year as a kid.

What do you like most about the RV industry and what keeps you here?

In my belief, I am not only here to sell a camper. I’m here to sell a lifestyle. I’m here to sell a dream. It’s my job to understand, learn about and adapt to the people that walk in the door. I don’t want to just sell a camper. I want the customer to be happy with the camper I’m selling them.

What other work experience have you had?

First, I was a dish dog. I washed dishes for a company in Massachusetts, and then I got promoted to a steam table at the same company until I was able to get a job on an assembly line where I made florescent lights. I did that until I went into the service, where I was a medic on a helicopter. When I got out of the service, I took a sales job at a car dealership, and I was promoted to sales manager. After that, I left to make my own business selling promotional products, which I ended up selling. Then I ended up coming into the RV industry.  

Do you have any words of wisdom or anything else you would like to share?

Well, as I stated before, I believe that we are not just selling a camper but a lifestyle, a dream and a getaway for people. It really is something special, and it is our job in this industry to adapt to every customer and make sure they have the best experience possible.

Stay tuned for more employee spotlights in the coming weeks!